
How to use cooler correctly



Start with a Cooler

A cooler is designed to insulate, which means it will retain heat as well as cold. For this reason, try to store your cooler in a cool environment prior to loading it with ice.if stored in direct sunlight, a warm garage, or a hot vehicle prior to use, a significant amount of lice will be wasted cooing the cooler itself. One way to cool the walls is to preload it with a sacrificial bag of ice. The starting temperature of the cooler is one of the most commonly overlooked variables in ice retention.

Sunlight is a heat source

Coolers’ lids are white (or light colored) for a reason. White absorbs less heat. When possible, keep your cooler out of direct sunlight. Ice will last substantially longer when the cooler is in the shade. Some pros use towels or tarps to cover their coolers when they cannot find a shaded spot.

Block ice vs. cube ice

The advantage of block ice is that it will melt much more slowly than cubed or shaved ice. Smaller places of ice will chill a cooler and its contents more quickly but will not last as long.

Air is the enemy

Large areas of air inside your cooler will accelerate ice melt since a portion of the ice is consumed cooling the air. Air space voids are best fill with extra ice. However, if weight is a concern, do like the pros and use other materials such as towels or crumpled newspaper to fill these air space voids.

Hot Content

First put the hot content into the cooler, place the heated Gel pack to fill the cooler, then close the lid.

Please read this instruction before using the cooler.

Freeze or pre-chill contents

Chilling of even freezing the contents you intend to load into your cooler is an often overlooked way to extend ice retention, Consider that It will take over 1 b, of ice to cool a six pack of canned beverages that started at room temperature.

More ice is better

We recommend filling your cooler with as much ice as possible. ideally,you want to have an ice to contents ratio of 2i1. Please keep in mind that when two cooler models are completely filled with ice, the larger of the two will retain ice longer.

Don’t drain the water

Once your cooler is in use, we recommend you avoid draining the cold water, if possible. The water in your cooler will be almost as cold as the ice and will help insulate the remaining ice. However, it is advisable to keep exposed food and meat out of the water.

Not all ice is created equal

Ice can get much colder than its freezing point.”Warm ice (near 0′C) is typically wet to the touch and dripping with water. Cold, sub-zero ice is relatively dry and will last substantially longer.

Limit cooler access

Frequent lid opening will accelerate ice melt. Every time you open your cooler, you are letting cold air escape, Limit cooler access and the time the cooler is open, especially when it is very warm outside. In extreme cases, professionals limit their cooler access to a few times per day.

Post time: Mar-31-2022