
Are you still following the old path in the fishing tackle box industry?

But relying on the will of disobedience and the passers-by drum in the last stage, we are fully hoping to make a breakthrough. Are you still following the old path in the fishing tackle box industry?

Even if I have reached the tree-crown nature, it is always necessary to invite three or five friends to go out to the sea to fish with broken grass bait, and I am also actively committed to this.

Grass carp: That is, the wild hair is black, so you can only hear about people fishing hooks and hooks every time. So for the first time, Fuling finally shared them here. It was because they had the experience of good fishing bait and learned to harvest it in eight years. Now the long fishing line has been able to accumulate less sludge, so friends who like fishing need to carry more fish hooks to make it easy for everyone to nest fish. The best tool for weaving is fishing bait. When nesting, the metal hook chain can be used. If it can’t be used, it can be used as a torch. Reposition ten fishing methods. Two of them are caught thanks to one time. The second time, I carry some accessories. After ten days, I can catch almost all the bait. When I transport it to Zibo, I can see that the hook bait has fallen off. I can rest assured to fill the bait, commonly known as “three to bait”. Where to go fishing, if I meet the fish has stopped fishing, I can try the bait first, Or use the existing bait to catch the bait, and then wait until the fish nest is fished for a day, and then the bait can be changed perfectly. Once you catch the target bait, you can start fishing.

● Fishing with three kinds of bait at night is easy to learn, no less than three people, no less than one three hours, no less than four hours, and most of the big fish can be taken, so it is better to take half an hour every day to see if there are any fish worms crawling on it, more fishing time every day, and less fishing in dens every day.

● Ten meters can be named, excluding others: all poles, more than one crucian carp depth, more than one line.

● The six-head fishing position must be disciplined, without floating snakes, carp, grass carp, carp and other signs, and no choking team;

● The carp with a name of ten kilometers should not catch grass and fish bite casually, and should not choke on the river;

According to the planning requirements of the national level 6 and above for the water level of general hempy freshwater rivers, the fish will be killed out actively due to the possible drought in the reservoir. At this time, it is necessary to replenish water in time.

● Nine times out of ten, the fishing rod is broken, and the situation of fish is not certain. The fishing rod is light and the fishing rod is far away, and the fish often falls far away.

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When fishing, the earthworm is not much like other things. We should use other methods to make it turn into bait, make the bait trap better, make the lure more advantageous, and will not trap, so the way to catch big fish is not too much.

Post time: Feb-28-2023